
Peer Recovery

Grayscale photo of 2 person holding hands

Peer Recovery members are for those who share similar experiences of substance use disorders, mental health diagnosis, or both. As SAMHSA states, "Peer support offers a level of acceptance, understanding, and validation not found in many other professional relationships (Mead & McNeil, 2006). By sharing their own lived experience and practical guidance, peer support workers help people to develop their own goals, create strategies for self-empowerment, and take concrete steps towards building fulfilling, selfdetermined lives for themselves."

the capitol building, with the words 'find and contact your federal, state, county, and local elected representatives by clicking here!'


For only $50 a year, Peer Recovery members in NBHAP get the following benefits:

  • free subscription to Counselor, the official magazine of NBHAP
  • 15% off webinars for sale, and 50% off if they are CE-based (free if you attend live)
  • 25% off our publications
  • access to our Legal Repository and list of state FAQs

And more!

Membership: Peer Recovery
For Peer Support / Peer Recovery Coach individuals.
Contact Information


A national membership association that provides education and advocacy for those in the behavioral health and addiction treatment industries.

We are the leading and unifying voice of addiction-focused treatment programs.

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Contact Us

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:30 pm Pacific
(closed major holidays)

a desk with a laptop, cell phone, pen, and binder. Text reads 'SUD Treatment Provider Boot Camp webinar series'